What is Conversion Optimization?

Conversion optimization is a fancy term for turning your website’s visitors into customers. It’s not uncommon for marketing companies to place a heavy emphasis on search rankings, impressions, and traffic. These are all extremely important, but without proper conversion optimization, they ultimately amount to very little. Conversion optimization is what turns that hard-earned traffic into dollars in your company’s bank account.

What Makes a Website Convert?

  • Finely-Tuned UI/UX Elements
  • Thorough A/B Testing
  • Deliberate Web Design
  • Appropriate Calls to Action
  • Authoritative Content
  • Streamlined Forms & Checkout
  • More…

Ecommerce Storefronts vs. Local Businesses

Maximizing conversions is both an art and a science, and the type of business you have makes a big difference in the approach that you should be taking to turn your website’s traffic into cashflow. For instance, when dealing with an ecommerce storefront, supporting content such as blog articles may become a bit less important to the conversion itself, while elements like featured products and a streamlined checkout process become absolutely critical. On the other hand, if you have a service-oriented local business, avoiding large galleries and pages with a lot of branching links can help deliver the most vital information to your site’s visitors, giving them only what they need to gain confidence in your brand before delivering a simple way for them to contact you.

In either case, providing both the right amount and type of content is vital. Not having enough can cause your site’s visitors to wander off, while bombarding them with content or messaging can also serve to distract them from the ultimate goal of making a purchase or creating a lead.

Start Getting More Customers

No matter how much you spend on marketing or how many visitors your website receives, it has to amount to more business in order for you to see a return on your investment.

Whether you have a new business, a new website, or you’ve been struggling with an under-performing site for awhile now, RankStrats can ensure that you get onto the path of gaining more clients, leads, or customers. We can edit your existing site to help your conversion rate grow, or we can build you a brand new site that has our optimization baked into its DNA from the very beginning.